通常リフターカバー(D.K. カバー)と併用され、リフターは下D.K.で格納し上D.K.でリフターカバーをして、さらに積載効率を高めることができます。
Cargo lifter is utilized to convey mainly containers and trailers vertically to each deck.
Optimum handling method is adopted with various cargo lifters locations and purposes based on applicable handling requirements. The cargo lifter, which moves vertically, will eliminate the need for swivelling space, resulting in higher carrying capacity.
Generally, vertical drive is hydraulic, and controlled electrically. Therefor, full automation is possible with safety overload detection. Also, W-chain method or W-wire method is adopted for additional safety purpose.
Cargo lifter is usually utilized with a lifer cover(Deck cover). The lifter is hangared within the lower Deck and covered by upper Deck, which enhances larger carrying capacity.